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1.) Find a local number. You can do this by visiting our local number section. If there's a question as to whether the number is local to you, please call your local telephone exchange company to ensure it is a true local number to your location.

2.) Give us a call at 1-715-204-9423 and we'll step you through the signup process. If you need assistance configuring your computer, we'll be happy to assist.

3.) Cancel your old ISP. Now all you need to do is cancel your previous ISP. You may need to contact your specific ISP for instructions on how to do that. We have listed some hard-to-find numbers for cancelling service to other ISP's.

To cancel NetZero call 1-866-841-1442
To cancel Juno call 1-888-839-5866
To cancel BlueLight call 1-800-522-0839
To cancel People PC call 1-866-772-6277
To cancel Earthlink call 1-800-890-5128
To cancel AOL call 1-888-265-8008
or Fax 1-801-622-7969 (include your full name, phone number, address, screen name, and the last four digits of the credit card charged by AOL)
To cancel AT&T Worldnet call 1-800-400-1447
To cancel CompuServe call 1-800-848-8990
To cancel MSN call 1-800-386-5550
To cancel Prodigy call 1-800-213-0992


If you require further assistance, please call our Support Group at 1-715-204-9423 or send an e-mail to